
Make way for Noddy! Noddy! He toots his horn to say beep, beep, beep. Make way for Noddy! Noddy! Come on out to play! ... oh the memories. This was a regular at our house for some time way back (ok, ok, not that far ago, it may just be that it seems to me that way) and I think that there is a case of that kind of amnesia going on with this one, similar to the one related to birth or early days of newborns. You know when you forget the hard and painful and not so pleasant parts and replace them with fonder one. So while I may go "oooooh" now, when I hear this, I am sure I was going "ooooooh no" at some point from overdosing on the same cartoon over and over again.

But now this theme song hasn't been heard for some time, since the boys are a bit bigger now and I find myself in the worlds of Star Wars, Slugterra and similar weird creatures. The little one might even still be of "Noddy age", but since he worships his older brother like a king, he too now demands "teja, teja". It took me a while and in his mind probably waaaaay too far, to figure our that I need to search Youtube for these slugs.

Well anyway as I am a part of a charity organisation that bakes charity cakes for disabled and underprivileged, it is nice to sometime get an order for a cake that features a character that is unlikely to be demanded from my boys. It was an added benefit that my older one remembered Noddy immediately and said that I made a beautiful cake. And here I go again ... oooooooooh

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